Back to school shopping has begun! That is the good news. The bad news is that with it comes the yearly battle of the wardrobe. Specifically, Lou Lou's wardrobe. Every year she wants pink EVERYTHING. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to pink. I love a good frilly dress or sparkly hair bow as much as the next person, but it would be nice to have a bit of variety in her dress.
This year I finally figured out a way. We went shopping, and bought 10 or so pink shirts, pink shoes, pink hair bands, jeans with pink accent, and a few pink skirts. Then I found the cutest teal dress, old fashioned buttons, faded seems. It is a dress straight out of the 40's, so cute and simple. But it also came in pink. The pink however was not nearly as cute and we already had a shopping cart full of pink. So, me, being the the very clever mother that I am, removed all the pink dresses from the rack, hid them in a row of Pokemon shirts and called out to Lou Lou.
"Oh, Lou Lou, look at this super cute dress. It is so pretty. And look, I bet it twirls like a dream. It is just too bad they don't have it in pink. I guess we will just have to put it back. (dramatic sigh) Oh, well, (shoulder shrug)"
wait for it...wait for it...
"I still like it even if it is not pink."
"I guess I could have one dress that is not pink"
Eureka! And we have a winner! She's happy with her mound of pink and 1 teal dress, and I am happy with the hint of variety. As for the next boy to come along and want a Pokemon shirt only to find a pink dress...? Eh, you can't please everyone.