The yard is starting to come along now so I was playing around with some night shots of my favorite spots...
Some of my Shasta Daisies... they look awesome with the night back ground!
My Bleeding Heart just got done blooming, and the Hostas are not quite up yet...
This is our second spring in this house so all our plants are still young... even so, they are coming along well. By next year I'll have twice as many Lilly pads by this time.
The water is mirky because I was digging around in the rocks.
This is brand new this year. Look how little the Water Iris is... just a sprig.
Too dark to see the purple Salvia in bloom... I'll have to get a shot in the day, but I'll wait till the annuals bloom!
Spring is sure brightening up your garden and your feelings. I remember how much you hated the cold winter.
Can you come landscape my yard?
Great shot of the daisies. Excepting for lilacs, my favorite flower. Neither of which I can grow here.
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