So I have been having headaches for oh, well just say a decade or so. Most of the time they are not bad 3 or 4 a week, I take a Tylenol and they go away. Sometimes they are worse than others but not too bad, just annoying. My friend said "I bet it's something you eat". I said it's stress, doctor says maybe caffeine. Who knows!
But I was intrigued enough to find out so my friend (who is ever so smart with nutrition and a role model for healthy living) introduced me to the elimination diet. Let me just say that it is the worst diet in the whole world! You are supposed to eat NOTHING but fresh raw fruit, fresh raw vegetables, plain chicken and plain pork for 10 days. Then you can slowly add thing in and see if you get a headache.
Well I made it 5 days and it was the longest 5 days of my life! I did not figure out what caused my headaches but I did come to some realizations. 99% of what we put in our body is JUNK! Even diet drinks are nothing but unnatural products! Yogurt...full of corn syrup and artificial dyes.
So while I did not like not being able to eat hardly anything, it did open my eyes as to the junk we eat without thinking. I have decided I'm going to start what I'm calling The 100 Year Diet. I am trying very hard not to put anything into my body that was not around 100 years ago. No corn syrup, no processed, junk no dyes or fake sweeteners.
It takes some creativity and label reading but I'm having fun with it. Who knew that all natural rolled oats with a little cream and 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar was really good? Did you know you can get 100% natural peanut butter that taste great? The only ingredient is peanuts! I even found Dannon makes a yogurt with nothing but natural ingredients.
The best part is that I feel really good, have not had a headache and lost 5 pounds. I now feel good when I send lunch to school with my kids and know it's really healthy. Dinner feels more like an experiment than a chore, and after not very many days my body stopped craving all that junky stuff.
Not to say that never again will processed products enter my body (yesterday I had a pumpkin spiced latte and I have yet to read a book where the pioneers stopped off at Starbucks for a pick-me up) but I am eating and living more consciously, and that feels good.
You could also define a 100 year diet as not eating food that will still be "edible" in 100 years (like twinkies).
So, have you given up sodas? That's what I should do again. I only drink diet, but it is still nothing but chemicals. tasty chemicals.
I've thought about that same thing many times!
I'm so proud of you, I think diet change is one of the most difficult tasks to undertake, but SO rewardng and eye-opening! Our bodies were not designed for all this artificial junk. AND isn't it awesome not having a headache! :) k
Sounds like a great idea. Well done. You've worried me about the yoghurt, I thought it was healthy except for the sugar content.
Well said, good luck.
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