Sorry I've been away for a while. Busy with kids back to school, and I have started working at our local animal shelter. Which is where I found this big guy who needed a home and since our 10 year old kitty just died (sad story) there was a spot avaliable in ours.

We named him Murphy or Murph, and he weighs in at 17.5 lbs! He

is one large cat! But so gentle and sweet to everyone!
An 18 pound cat... HAHAHAH!
I'm sorry to hear about your loss Sassy, but 10 years shows what a wonderful home kitty had.
Murphy is SO BLESSED to be adopted by your family. I hope you do not mind, I had to share Murphy's rescue on my new Tinkerbell's Momma Kat blog.
Be sure and visit and enter the contest for a gift certificate for Petco. You could buy Murphy (or Dollie) something nice.
My other personal blog is:
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