So, if there was one thing I never thought I would be, it's an activist. If you could have seen me in grade school you would surely agree. I was the quiet insecure little rag-a-muffin girl in the back.
So what happened...? I have no idea, but something did because now days I seem to stand up for all that is good and just in this world. Could be my faith that calls me out to do so, or it could be that I just got tired of being quiet. Whatever it was, I am now a full blown activist.
In a previous post (that I would link right here if I knew how to do it) I wrote about how the principal at my kids school is trying to fire the best teacher ever. We don't know why she is, I think it is because she didn't like said teacher going over her head in defense of a child, plus she's just a bit evil.
Well, I, along with many other parents are furious. We have never liked this principal and now we can't stand her. So, we have been writing letters, making phone calls, demanding a meeting with the district big-wigs, and we have a petition going around.
The petition just states that we disagree with the action being taken against this teacher (Mrs. Awesome). There is no shortage of people who want to sign it, so everyday I'm walking the pavement in front of the school with my little green folder in hand. While almost all of the parents dislike the principal, some are not willing, or afraid to cross her. There in lies the awkwardness.
As I walk the sidewalk, wonder halls, and make copies in the office, there is an odd feel in the air. Everyone knows what's going on. Most, support us, if not vocally than with silent nods. But, there are those that disagree. It is always interesting to see the eye contact that takes place. Those who support our cause will give me this slight nod. If they have not signed the petition yet I always get this strange sideways glance, which I interpret as "I need what you have, meet me in the parking lot at o-dark-thirty, (or when the bell rings)"
Those that disapprove usually refuse to make eye contact and pretend they don't see me standing in line for the copier. The principal has yet to say one word to me, and yesterday I rocked the boat a bit further by sending a letter to district calling for her resignation on behalf of a very large parent group. I made sure I cc'd her on that letter because I want her to know how her schools feels about her actions. Then, I promptly drove down to the school and spent the day in the class just to prove she couldn't intimidate me. My, my, what happened to the quiet rag-a-muffin?
You go girl! After 28 years in a school district, I could tell you a few stories myself.
Way to go! I admire you for your get up and go attitude. I hope you are successful. Thank you for your comments about my garden. I will take you on a guided tour.
Go get 'um, Tiger! Our voiceless children need help and support often in these crazy school systems.
Does this really surprise you? With a name like "Sassy." I mean honestly do I need to remind you that you got sick of a 3rd grade teacher yelling, and got up and walked out of class and out of school?
What about the locker room in your sophomore year.? What about the 7th grader with the magic finger, I think you were all of 5 or 6 when you shamelessly intimidated the kid so bad he wouldn't walk past the house? What about the hispanic guys at in the Overland Park Mall? Sorry dear, you have been an activist since day one. You are one of the most assertive gals I know. While you may not have always seen that side of you, those that know you best have. You have fought for the underdog your whole life.
Just a note one never has to look for problems, problems abound and are all around us. It becomes a choice in weather you turn your head and walk away or do what you truly believe is right. Along the way you will fight many fights and some you will lose, eventually you will sometimes chose not to fight even worthy causes because you don't have the energy for the fight or the energy to overcome the disappointment. But because you are who you are you will always feel the desire to help where it is needed. I love you and I am proud of you.
As I said on Facebook, being "Karma's right arm" just feels damn good, huh? You do things so much better than me. I get angry, lose my temper, protest in ways that gets me arrested... hehe.
I'm very proud of you in all of this!
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