The dictionary defines "home" as one's place of residence, but it is so much more. We have all heard the hundreds of cliches, home is where the heart is, there's no place like home, home sweet home. I am sure you can think of dozens more. And this time of year every commercial on TV urges us to go home, or buy something for the home, re-do the home so that your relatives will be impressed. There are candles, and food, and decorations designed to tug at our emotional purse strings, and yes, I have several of said items spread around my house. But none of these sayings, or purchases create a clear picture of what home is.
It can be all of those nice things. It can also be a mess, a bore, chaotic, loud. My home not only has the pitter patter of little feet, but sometimes the banging of doors, or the voice of frustration. Sometimes it has that deathly silence, you know, the one where you and your spouse aren't talking but you both know you need to.
Our home can be many things, depending on the day, the mood of the 4 inhabitants, the weather or even the season. But there is one thing home always is to me, and I hope for my husband and children too, and that's safe. Safe to be cranky, safe to be vulnerable, safe to be sad. We all need a place where the best of our personalities as well as the worst can surface and we will still be loved!
6 days ago
You are so right. I love being home with my husband, I feel safe and calm. I also love travelling and experiencing new places.
Yes, traveling is great when you are with someone you love. Charlie and I love are time raising our kids, but someday we will enjoy seeing the world together too.
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