Star power!
Jr. high class way back when..these kids are getting ready to start college now!
Look how seriously we took class.
So for the last umpteen years I have been a youth leader at my church. There have been many, many fun and wonderful times. The teenagers have taught me so much...and not just about God and life. Did you know Brittney Spears got her start on the Mickey Mouse Club?
Donald Duck inspired many of our youth to take up music...especially guitar.
I have been blessed to work with other leaders who were fun and childlike them selves. One of the very funnest times in my life was 4 years ago when Diet Coke, our pastor at the time, I'll call him Donald Duck, and I, were in charge of the junior through senior high at church. We spent many Wednesday nights playing stupid games that we strangely felt very competitive in. We developed a bond among the three of us that you can only get by working with a semi-dysfunctional group.
Guess which one puked before the night was over.

There were many nights of trash can basketball, scoot (a stupid, and frankly dangerous chair game) and also some good God content mixed in. There have been many trials and tears working with the youth, but also some great bonds that are still strong today. I would not trade a minute of it.
Starting last September I felt God calling me a different direction. I felt pulled toward the younger children...very young. After 7 years with Jr highers I moved to preschoolers. I love the little ones as well, but every now and then my heart yearns for the silly care free Wednesday nights with the youth group who was really teaching me about God instead of the other way around.

Spam Sculptures from last night

Last night the youth group had their annual "lock in". That is where all the teenagers gather at the church, we lock the doors, and hang on for a wild ride. If you are a kid it's great. If you are an adult, it can be hell. There is a no sleeping rule that is strictly enforced. Anyone dumb enough to fall asleep regrets it in the morning. Sharpie markers are used to prove a point, if you follow me.
Even though I am no longer their youth leader, I was honored when some of the kids asked if I'd still come. The kids there last night were in early grade school when I started working with youth. Many of the kids I started with are off and thriving in college, and I always smile when I think about where they came from, and the secrets I know about them.
first or second winter retreat...I forget.
Here are some pictures from last night's lock-in and also some moments in time from days gone by. To all the youth and youth leaders that have taught me what I know about teaching and life, thank you! That door in my life may be closed, but the memories will stay with me for a lifetime. Youth Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what happens if you take Diet Coke's diet coke in the morning!
I know who puked!
Thanks for being there for my kid and all of the other ones too.
...like they're ever going to let you shut the door, the youth love you way too much to let you leave the darkside.
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