There is usally about 15 to 20 dogs at the park at any given time. Banjo is the all black one, Dolly is the one by the tree.

Cute huh?
Okay, so this may sound stupid, but the most fun thing I have found latley is the dog park. It is in the middle of down town, behind a cemetary, and I had know idea it was there.
I found it about a week ago by accident. I have been taking Dolly and Banjo every since.
It is this magical little world for dogs. There are even doggie drinking fountaines!
The girls LOVE it, and it is so fun to talk to all the other pet owners about their breeds and training tips. It is fun to see the tiny 2 pound dogs play with the giant 150 pounders. I am just amazed at how well they all play together. When a new dog comes in all the others run to greet it.
Cute huh?
Great exercise for the animals and time to socialise for the owners.Its great to meet a blogger dog owner most seem to be cat people.
When I was in California the one thing I loved to do on off days sometimes was go down to a very popular beach called Dog Beach just north of Huntington Beach. So much fun watching those crazy dogs jump and play in the water. Pull it up on the web.
we'll have to take our little guy there - he'll probably be so out of sorts!
Oh how much fun. My babies would love this.
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