1. Go to your documents/pictures.
2. Go to your sixth file.
3. Go to your sixth picture
4. Blog about it
Here is mine...
This is a pic of Lou Lou when she 2 1/2. I remember this day so well. Spring had finally broken free of winter, and the weight that I carried during the cold months was lifting off my shoulders.
Charlie had found this little princess bike at a thrift store the week before, and it was a perfect day to give it a try.
Md was with us, on his red bike. I remember how good the sun felt, and how soft the grass was.
I also remember those little shoes she is wearing. They had Winnie the pooh and piglet on them. She loved them so much. You can't see it, but her shirt also has piglet. She loved it when she matched!
I can almost feel that little girl with the silky smooth cheeks. The way she fit in my arms, the way she laughed with a high pitch. The dimples that shown when she did. If only I could reach into my computer and give that baby girl a kiss, and hold her against my chest as her legs dangle and she laughs because I'm blowing on her ear.
We can never go back, and that is usually a good thing. I just wish pictures captured more than the image. Imagine how it would be to look through the photo album and not just see days gone by, but feel, hear and smell all those wonderful moments that have slipped away through the hands of time.
Sassy - So cute, and how we all have such special memories of our children and their pictures. Mom's do not forget the details either! I tagged you this morning on my blog for this game.
Please let Lucy know she is also tagged, and that her surprise is on the way - FINALLY. Long story!
Hi Sassy
That's a wonderful idea, both the random picking of photos and the feeling of sound, smell and touch from those times gone by.
Here in Australia we are watching with horror the awful bushfires in the south east of this crazy country - while the north east is wallowing in flood the bottom eastern corner is facing destruction on an unimaginable scale. It is really hard to think of you battling the snow and depths of winter!
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