Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fighting Back

Winter is doing its annual number on my mood. I have what my doctor calls, "seasonal depression". I have had it for as long as I can recall. It starts a few weeks after Christmas, and stays until mid March when I can feel the sun on my face and see hints of life poking up in the ground.
I guess you could say winter and I just don't get along. Like relatives that spend too much time together, by Christmas we are sick of the other. So, this year, instead of slipping into a dark state for 2 months, I'm fighting back. Here are a few things I am doing around the house to help me survive the dull of January and February.

I bought this glass bowl at the Youth Ranch for $3.00
Filled the bottom with potting soil, the top with river rock
Then, since no one is selling bulbs this time of year, I dug up a few
daffodils from my front bed and stuck them in! In a week or 2
I'll have bright yellow flowers!

This is the antique sewing machine Charlie got me for
Christmas. I put an old spool on it, and a glass jar to collect buttons
I love buttons! The flower fabric is the material I used to
cover my dinning room chairs.

This is my fav! The old jars from my recycle bin, covered in
construction paper and tied with twine yarn. I filled the
bottom with pea gravel, added soil, and planted my herbs!
In 6 weeks I will have garden herbs, and in the mean time
I love how these look on my kitchen window ledge!

Last but not least, this is the Scooby-Doo Chia Pet Charlie got the
kids for Christmas. It will add some green while we wait out the
If any of you have ideas to fight the winter blues I'd love to hear them!


Kim said...

I'm so snagging your herb idea :) and my eyes will want a sight of those daffodils when they're blooming!

diane b said...

You seem to have thought of some fabulous ideas to keep you cheerful. Keep reading my blog. I'll try to send you sunny pictures each week to cheer you up and you don't have to suffer the heat and humidity and pay air conditioning bills.

The Southern Mint Julep said...

Wishing you lots of sunshine and happiness -- you deserve it, you are a dear, sweet lady!