Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things I Don't Understand

So, apparently I have a very small mind, and there are numerous things I don't understand. Since my evening has been going progressively down hill, I thought I'd jot down a few of the things my mind has not understood in the last 24 hours.

I do not understand:

- Why a six year old can tie her hair into 50 different knots while trying to look like Cinderella, but can't stand to have the scissors even remotely near her forehead while her bangs are being trimmed.

- Why practicing the piano takes an act of God, but playing 'Old McDonald' on it NEVER gets old.

- Why an 8 year old can LOVE addition, but refuse to do subtraction.

- Why you have to take down every last article of clothing in the closet to find the right dress.

- Why you can take down all the clothes but not get them back up.

- Why a piece of paper with one tiny little crayon mark is no longer good for anything but the recycling.

- Why tape can not be used in moderation!

-Why, despite the fact that I am the only one who never uses it, Im only one who knows where the remote is.

- Why there is crumbs inside my couch cushions despite the fact that since the beginning of creation food has not been aloud out of the kitchen.

And finally, I do not understand why a load of laundary fills up half the laundry basket before it's washed, but is over flowing after!


Brian said...

Oh gosh... this was hilareous. Even a single anal-retentive neat-freak like myself can relate!!! :)

diane b said...

You don't understand because you are a conscientious mother.

Anonymous said...

well - tape is super fun and so moderation is just really really hard. so it's not really worth it to hold back on the tape

addition is fun and i used to HATE subtraction. it's a pain. It wasn't until i found out about negative numbers and started to think that subtraction was really just addition of negative numbers that i actually began to enjoy it.

Kim said...

and why you've slaved over a nice warm breakfast and the kids are suddenly 'not hungry' and you have 5 minutes to get them out the door for school!