Exploration is one of our family's favorite things. Whether its the pond by our house, a dried up canal bed, or the vast miles of Idaho desert, looking isn't good enough for us. We have to explore.
Explore, as we know it, means to get out, walk around, pick things up, sniff them, compare them to other objects close by and come to a conclusion of how we think they got there. This usually involves an elaborate story, millions of years and dinosaurs, but it makes us happy to imagine it all the same.
So without any further adieu.. I give you our most recent exploration.
It may be that I grew up in the desert.. but there is nothing more beautiful to me than miles and miles of open land.
Spring time is really the only season the desert has sharp color, but I think these muted browns and blues are wonderful!
It looks like home to me!
The European Starlings flock in huge numbers to grain fields here in the winter. They move as if one, and can take the form of a dark menacing storm cloud.
It's one of my favorite sights!
I wish you could hear the thunder their wings make as they all take off at once!
I have an obsession with old farm buildings...
I love the story that radiates from them.
This old building just had "explore me" written all over it!
What trip to the great outdoors is complete without your proverbial cow making an appearance along side the road?

I think Dolly looks like a big fox here..
Mostly I am just showing off how well my new camera takes moving subjects.
We spent about 2 hours out exploring farm lands and the surrounding desert. No better way to spend a winters afternoon!